3 New Calendars, 1 Super Offer!

3 New Calendars

December is Calendar Month at Zoomin. It’s the perfect time to pick a set of calendars for yourself and as a gift for friends and family. We have introduced a completely new set of calendars that we’re sure you will be delighted with. Our new calendar maker is easy to use, has a ton of new themes and clipart with new personalization features. We have introduced a new paper as well; it is a heavier stock, with a special coating that is applied after printing for a brilliant sheen and durability. Your new Zoomin calendar will look new all year!

imageAt just Rs. 125 ($2.50), our brand new Poster Calendar is a 12×18″ calendar that can be created in several styles. Use one photo or 5 these smart calendars are truly stunning. They are great for the kids room, the kitchen door or your college dorm. Keep some Blue-Tack or double-sided tape (available at your neighbourhood stationery store) ready to put up your calendar on a wall as soon as you get it.



Our new Desktop Calendar is perfectly sized for your desk in the office, home office or that table by the phone. Pick a theme that goes with your room’s colour scheme or pick a neutral one like Blue. The Desktop Calendar takes one photo a month and shows holidays. Because of the size of the calendar grid on the Desktop version, you cannot personalize it yet.


The new ZoomIn Wall Mount Calendar is a full featured calendar withimage hundreds of customization possibilities. It is larger than our previous version and just like the other two varieties, has the new paper finish too. After picking your theme, get into Customize mode and add or remove photos, set them as backgrounds, add borders, clipart or text. In addition to customizing each date with text, you can even add a small photo.

The Offer!

Now through December 15, order a Wall Mount or Desktop Calendar and get a Poster Calendar completely free.  Full details of the offer can be found here.

Please do write in and let us know what you think of our new calendar family.

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