We are all in a state where everyone wants to go to the past and fix things. “Only if I knew all this is going to happen I would have… Never have I ever wanted to time travel so bad… After all, this ends I will… ” Thoughts, desires, realizations, new discoveries are hitting the charts right now. Luckily we are are all privileged. We have premium streaming platforms to forget our life & enter a new world, groceries stocked up to eat delicacies every day and experiment with substitutes for unavailable ingredients, we are embracing passions & deep conversations, surfing feed & getting caught up… We are all safe. In fact, happily safe in our Nest. Food, shelter, Pyjamas and Internet it is.
All of this is possible because of one army. The Frontliners. We are all safe and in euphony only because of them. The Life savior Doctors are saving countless lives battling on the front, facing the deadly virus in person. Did you know wearing PPE is really uncomfortable? The PPE, protection gear makes one sweat and feel hot after 30 minutes. During tests, they wear it for even longer. We all know the bruises of the masks they are dealing with. Safety here comes with an uncomfortable price.
The police are maintaining safety and harmony on the roads & borders without any protection suit. They are not only risking their lives towards their duty but coming back to work daily for protecting citizen’s lives. The delivery guys are out too so that we can eat our means cheerfully. Trust me, the immense thankfulness in our hearts after receiving daily essentials now is much more than ever in human history. The sanitization & cleanliness activities are going on so that we breathe & move in a hygienic atmosphere.
Can I say we are all safe, living a normal moral life because of these Angels guarding and helping us?
The frontline workers are saving us by staying out & fighting the pandemic, being brave, selfless & heroic during these tough times. We want to thank them & say “You are the #REALHEROES who are saving countless lives every second without caring for your own. We are praying for your good health every day & want you to be safe. We can imagine the impossibilities & tough times you go through every day & still be back on your jobs no matter what. More power to you, heroes. We love you ”
Let’s spend some time knowing about their act of bravery & kindness that they performed in these past days. Insights into the life of COVID Heroes.
Senior Nurse Fought with the family to serve the first positive case of Leh.
The brave Tsering Yangzom not only volunteered to serve the first positive case in Leh but also portrayed that families should proudly support their kid’s duty towards their profession, and also respect the patients who are suffering by not turning our backs to them.
Source – Thebetterindia.com
Police in Delhi performing unprescribed duties for slums.
SHO Arvind Kumar is going out of the way from his prescribed duties & helping the people of the slums. He is performing his honorable duty towards the uniform & the country by distributing food bags, masks, hand sanitizers to the underprivileged.
Source – Thebetterindia.com
Nashik Farmer donates harvest.
Datta Ram Patil is a gem. Feeding others is the love that grows in the heart of a farmer. He believes in Giving away half share from his own food during crises like these. Not caring about his own financial stability, Datta Ram wants to help people & try his best giving back.
Calming the panic of an entire state.
Dr. Sajinglu Chai Pul, DMO of Lohit District, Arunachal Pradesh led the medical team when the first positive case of the state arrived. The panic during such situations are filled with fear & hard to control the masses. But She bravely aced & calmed the entire state.
The nurse in Kerela didn’t see her 10-month old baby for days serving the new positive cases.
Anugeeth AG from Kerala. works hard & like a soldier while treating the patients. Leaving back her baby at home she continuously served in the hospital. “I want to leave only after their tests are confirmed negative and they are discharged,†she told IndiaSpend. There are people who give their heart & soul to their profession and Anugeeth is one of them.Â

Surat’s Dhabawala feeds the Homeless.
The sudden lockdown threw many poor people into a state of shock for food every day. When a few people gathered in front of Ghanshyams dhabha ( a food joint ) in Surat he greeted them all with food. Ghanshyam Devganiaw’s free food service for the poor now feeds 400 people two meals a day.
Woman Railway Loco Pilot pushes Train Uphills To Keep Supply Chain Alive.
Anupama Patil, Assistant loco pilot with the Railways for 13 years, ensures she doesn’t cause a delay of essential services during such times. Ensuring she reaches Mumbai CSTM on time from her home in Byculla for the 6 am Howrah train which was carrying essentials. Crossing the train from the ghats of Maharashtra she pushes the train uphills to ensure no delay is caused. Her professionalism is sharp with a strong will to serve mankind.
Police in Delhi distributed pizzas & sanitizers to kids, cheering them during the lockdown
Can the policemen be any more amazing? Delhi police were seen to be taking unprescribed duties to a next level by distributing pizzas & sanitizers to the kids. Moments of hopes & security do uplift us, especially when done by the police.
Landlord cooks food daily for a Serving Doctor.
There are cases where doctors were asked to vacate their homes by their landlords to avoid contracting the virus but here is Mr. Suri helping his tenant young Doctor with a hot homemade cooked meal every night when he returns after serving in the critical care unit. Humanity still exists.
We signed up for this years ago, if not now then when?
Says Anjali Kajarekar, a senior nurse for 3 decades to her pleading son.
If not us during the time of national emergency then who? We signed up for this years ago so that during such a situation we will be ready to serve no matter what, she says. Everyone serving in this situation has their own family at home waiting for them just like you. Let’s cooperate and fight this together, she says to BetterIndia
Source – Thebetterindia.com
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could gift them a thank you?
Thank the heroes you know with a small gift so that they know the country loves them back too. We have Introduced a special “Thank The Heroes Collection” for the Frontliners. Choose a gift from the new THANKYOU HEROES Collection available exclusively on our FB Shop. A gift for the #REALHEROES you know.
And many more designs available for Mugs, Frames & Magnets… Shop Now.
Article Source – Thebetterindia, Shethepeople, Forbes, Times of India, India Spend, BBC.